Children's missionary recently in Vancouver

Prem Khullar has seen that transforming the life of one orphaned child using education has ramifications far beyond just one single individual.

In his calculations, helping one orphan or son or daughter of a widow not only gives them hope for the future, but also ensures that they marry at a later age, and have a smaller family – helping slow down India’s runaway population control problem.

Khullar argues that the positive spin-offs are immeasurable: by helping one otherwise lost child, you actually help someone stand up on their own feet so they can contribute to the wellbeing of all society.

“We want to educate the kids so they can get out of the cycle of poverty,” explained Khullar on recent visit to Vancouver where he was raising funds for his mission and his hospital.

“We have as of recently provided support to some 200 girls. If we had not extended our education to them then at least 50% of these girls would have ended up marrying before the age of 14.”

Khullar, a retired army squadron leader, added that early marriages often translate into more children for the woman in question.

Because they marry young there is a high level of immaturity and lack of knowledge about health care and related child issues.

The cost of providing one year’s worth of education to one Khullar’s children is a mere C$200/ year.

Khullar, who is the president of Able Charitable Hospital, in Faridabad, Haryana, was also canvassing for funds to buy medical equipment.

The ABLE Foundation of Canada is a registered charity (#837526540 RR0001).

Funds can be donated directly to the charity through TD Canada Trust.

The Foundation’s account number is 004-0217-5212758.

Donors interested in forwarding funds to the Able Foundation of Canada, can also contact Mr. Vikas Dewan in Vancouver at 604-861-1100.

For more information on Able Charitable Hospital, go to

You can also email Prem Khullar directly at [email protected].

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